Sunny Days Ahead


Location: Beltra, Co. Sligo

Key Message: Sunny Days Ahead (As restrictions begin to ease and our friends & family become vaccinated, we are edging nearer to a more normal summer and there is hope and optimism in the air)


For our Sunny Days Ahead mural, it was important that we inspired hope and excitement for a future post-pandemic. With restrictions easing and our loved ones being vaccinated, we truly can look forward to a happier and brighter future. Bringing friends and loved ones together to create a mural that we could share with you, to instil hope and comfort, was at the heart of our mural. What began as an idea between friends became a beautiful mural. We look forward to creating these murals alongside and within our communities as the creative process is one that facilitates connectedness, creativity and self-growth.

The Idea

Working collaboratively on an art project from the beginning right through until the very end is a transformative way of seeing an idea become a visual reality. From the designing, planning, and creation of a mural, we are constantly challenging ourselves to keep brainstorming and discuss new ideas and concepts as we see our ideas come to life.


Painting alongside one another, working on a smaller piece of a larger project, helps forge feelings of connectedness and belonging. Through teamwork and open communication, each person can contribute to the project and lend their thoughts, ideas, and creative abilities to the creative process.

Creative Process

Having fun and bringing life and laughter to the creative process is at the heart of our murals. We want each person contributing to the project to feel comfortable and supported when tapping into their creative sides, bringing their own unique touch to the project.


Working alongside others builds confidence in one’s own ability to contribute meaningfully to a project. When one person takes their brush and begins to paint, they are bringing their own unique contribution to a much larger picture. There is the opportunity to explore oneself and one’s place in their world by taking part in the creative process. We always ensure there is room for mistakes as we are constantly challenging ourselves to ask questions and to try out new ideas, continuously ensuring that we are working together as a group to create a finished mural. Together, we can create something beautiful.