Location: Bective Mill, Co. Meath
Theme of Workshop: "I AM ART"
On Saturday the 24th of July, we made our way to the beautiful grounds of Bective Mill, in Co. Meath. It was a stunning day, we couldn’t have asked for better weather (minus some small wind frenzies that sent us running around after some airborne craft supplies!!).
We kicked the morning off with a workshop for kids and early teens. The theme for the day was “I AM ART” and we wanted the kids to get as crafty and creative as possible with what they were making. We started off with some fun warm up activities for the kids to get drawing and familiar with eachother. We then kicked off our main activity where everyone wrote a little story about them as a superhero and their superpowers! They then got stuck in and started to make their superhero masks, using everything from cardboard to glitter to crepe paper to paint! There were some messy hands afterwards but even bigger smiles and that was the main thing for us. We really wanted the kids to think of all the amazing things about themselves and focus on these as their superpowers. We were in awe of how they used these to create characters that had elements of themselves but also some completely fictional and wonderfully imaginative elements too. Well done to all involved!
A few hours later, after quite a big clean up (and some windproofing) the adults group arrived. It was wonderful to see such a mix of both familiar and new faces. There was a fantastic energy and atmosphere afloat as soon as everyone landed in and got chatting to each other. Just what we like to see! Again, we kicked things off with a few games to get everyone laughing and a bit more familiar with each other. There were some tasty surprises for the winning tables (rhymes with losecco!). We did some colour mixing and then jumped on into the main activity. The theme was “I AM ART” and so a little story was read out to get everyone in the mindset of viewing themselves as a piece of art. Safe to say everyone created something completely unique. Have a look below to see some happy faces and beautiful pieces!