Location: Crosscare Youth Service, Dun Laoghaire

Theme of Workshop: "Crosscare Youth Service, Making Dreams a Reality"



We were asked to run a series of workshops for different groups attending The Boylan Youth Centre as part of the Dún Laoghaire Anseo project ran by Dún Laoghaire County Council. Our aim for this project was to work with the youths who use the service to help them transform the front wall of the Youth Centre.

These workshops revolved around getting everyone a bit more familiar with each other, creating an environment where everyone felt comfortable to speak about their own ideas and bringing everyone’s ideas together. All our activities were centred around generating themes, ideas and topics that the youths could use to say something important about the centre, what it offers and how they felt being there.

We loved seeing common themes and ideas emerge from the different groups, watching everyone collaborate to laydown the initial designs for the wall and the sense of excitement that came to both the kids and teens, knowing that it would be their ideas showcased on the wall.