Location: Glasthule, Co. Dublin

Key Message: Leave your legacy. Messages that the sixth classes would like to pass down to the younger years.

BELIEVE - Believe in Magic

DIVE INTO NEW IDEAS - Use your creativity to be curious, question and create.


A collaboration between Bloom | The Art Project and the sixth classes of The Harold School to create two large outdoor murals that represented their legacy as they leave the school in the safe and enthusiastic hands of the younger years.

Many months ago we received a very exciting email from a member of staff in The Harold School. We were invited to come down and take a look around the grounds of the school to see if we would be interested in helping them transform their yard spaces. The Harold School immediately struck us as a very energetic, lively and busy school but the white walls didn’t quite capture the life, soul and spirit of the school. We jumped on the opportunity to be involved!


Two walls were chosen to begin and all three sixth classes were involved in every part of the process. We ran workshops with each class separately, where they drew, painted and discussed amongst themselves their visions for the wall. We chatted to them about their legacy in the school and that they could use this opportunity to give a message to the younger classes.


Representatives were chosen from each class and we met with them again to present the draft design, ask for their feedback and discuss anything else they would like to add. They felt that they were heard and listened to, and we could sense their excitement as we headed out the school gates before our return for the painting days.


Wind, rain and more wind. The first few days of painting were not without obstacles. In typical Irish fashion, a storm decided to perch above our heads, wind blowing paint off our brushes and sending sheets flying through the air. We had to take a time-out, reassess and pray that the sun would find its way to us. And sure enough, it did.

Wall 1: “Dive Into New Ideas”


A nod to being creative, curious and inquisitive, this mural represents the students encouragement for the youngers years. Located in the junior yard, the sea themed allowed for lots of fun and interesting creatures, fish and treasures to lurk in the water. The sixth classes quickly coated the wall which was fabulously large and the perfect size for everyone to get their chance to be involved. Safe to say, all students, young and old were amazed at the final creation. “Oohs” and “Awws” were frequently heard, with open eyes and dropped jaws also following suit – credit to the sixth classes on this one!

Mural 2: “BELIEVE”


Can you cope with the cuteness level of this mural? The sixth classes agreed upon an enchanted forest, with cheeky gnomes and pretty flowers decorating it. We happily obliged because this magical design soon became one of our favourites. Located in the archway connecting one yard to another, students crossed through several times a day and each time they did, they struggled to pull their eyes away. Can you blame them?


The sixth classes again, brought this mural to life with their thought and talent, adding more elements as needed and making sure the fine details were all where they should be. They were buzzing with the final design and we were so happy that they could leave such a magical and uplifting message as their legacy.


We were very proud of them and hope to returned to The Harold again to make sure the other walls receive the same TLC.